Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty member

2 Associate Professor of Department of Economics, Shiraz University.


This paper by changing the trend of annual productivity growth computes the optimal monetary and fiscal policy for the Iranian economy in the context of Ramsey problem using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model in an estimated medium-scale model The results indicate that in the presence of sticky prices. Zero inflation and close to zero, as a result of the optimal outcome and underprice flexibility. In addition, the negative tax rate on capital return introduced as a result of the optimal policy in this model. By increasing the productivity rate, as well as increasing knowledge and labor productivity, the level of production and supply increased and, as a result, did not increase even with increasing demand for total inflation. In fact, any policy that encourages the motivation of work and activity for the people of the community will lead to an increase in production and employment, and this increase in annual productivity will reduce inflation.


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