Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Agriculture, department of Agricultural Economics , faculty of Agriculture , Shahid Bahnar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, , faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

3 Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.


The flow of technology spillover to countries, causing knowledge increase and technology transfer and creating competitive advantages, has been considered during the last decades. Evidently, the economic growth mostly increases the environmental pollution. In this paper, we investigate the effects of spillover technology from the channels of foreign direct investment (FDI) and import of intermediary and capital goods on environmental pollution in economic developing countries in the four continents Asia, Europe, Africa and America during the period 2000-2018. Because of the importance of Geography and the distance between the countries, and also the exactness of the spatial econometrics model, the spatial econometrics method is chosen and it is the innovation of this research. The result shows that the impact of technology spillover from the channel of foreign direct investment on the environmental pollution is negative. Furthermore, the impact of technology spillover from the channel of intermediary and capital goods imports on the environmental pollution is also negative.

The flow of technology spillover to countries, causing knowledge increase and technology transfer and creating competitive advantages, has been considered during the last decades. Evidently, the economic growth mostly increases the environmental pollution. In this paper, we investigate the effects of spillover technology from the channels of foreign direct investment (FDI) and import of intermediary and capital goods on environmental pollution in economic developing countries in the four continents Asia, Europe, Africa and America during the period 2000-2018. Because of the importance of Geography and the distance between the countries, and also the exactness of the spatial econometrics model, the spatial econometrics method is chosen and it is the innovation of this research. The result shows that the impact of technology spillover from the channel of foreign direct investment on the environmental pollution is negative. Furthermore, the impact of technology spillover from the channel of intermediary and capital goods imports on the environmental pollution is also negative.


Main Subjects

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