Document Type : Research Paper


Member of the Applied Economics Group, Economic Research Institute, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran."


One of the serious issues that has been considered and examined by policymakers, economic, and trade professionals in Iran for many years is the development of non-oil exports and the existing obstacles to its development. This issue arises from the fact that export development, as a trade strategy, is recognized as the engine of economic growth, progress, and development in countries. Similarly, identifying and striving to remove the factors that hinder export development is also of particular importance. This is because export development and foreign exchange generation, in addition to increasing national income and improving the foreign balance, can also enhance the country's bargaining power on the international stage, especially in times of economic sanctions and from a political perspective.
Some of the problems and shortcomings in export development or target market expansion are domestic, such as the high production cost of Iranian goods compared to competing products due to the unreal exchange rate, exporters' lack of awareness of various banking export services, the lengthy process of granting loans, and low productivity of production factors, among others. On the other hand, some problems are external, such as the hostile trade policies of powerful global countries and the inability to participate in international trade-facilitating forums and organizations. Prioritizing these issues and challenges for resolution is of great importance."
The research follows an applied methodology using a descriptive-survey approach for data collection. It analyzes customs records from 2001 to 2018 and qualitative data from a 2017-2018 survey of exporters by the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran to identify and prioritize export barriers.
The data analysis is conducted using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP), a method designed for decision-making under uncertainty. FAHP uses triangular fuzzy numbers to evaluate and compare export barriers based on multiple criteria. This method allows for flexibility in the number of independent variables but may face reliability issues if expert judgments are inconsistent. The study aims to systematically rank the key barriers to non-oil export development.
The findings of this article reveal that the country's non-oil exports from 2001 to 2018 fell short of the projections outlined in the Sixth Development Plan. Both market concentration and the diversity of exported goods have declined. On average, 25% of the total annual value of non-oil exports during the study period came from the sale of just five products. The number of countries importing goods from Iran also decreased from 170 in 2008 to 147 in 2018. In 2018, more than 80% of the value of non-oil exports was concentrated in just nine countries. This indicates that despite an increase in export value, non-oil exports have become heavily concentrated in a few countries, largely due to factors like political and economic sanctions. In fact, the combined export value to four countries—UAE, China, Iraq, and South Korea—exceeded the total export value to the other 145 countries in 2018.
According to the prioritization of export development challenges in this article, the most important issues relate to the "production of export goods," followed by the "export process" and the "overall political and economic environment" of the country. The ten main barriers to the development of non-oil exports in Iran are:

High production costs,
High exchange rates for imported raw materials,
U.S. sanctions against Iran,
High transportation costs to target markets,
Short-term product pricing strategies focused on immediate profit,
Foreign policy issues,
Lack of understanding of customer preferences and needs,
High tariff rates imposed by target countries,
High costs for obtaining sales permits from domestic authorities,
High taxes on the import of raw materials and high customs clearance costs.


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