Document Type : Review/Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Economics, Department od Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 PhD student in Economics, Department od Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the concept of "developed man" and determine the degree to which attention is paid in the Fundamental Transformation Document (FTD) in education in Iran approved in December 2011. This concept has been developed based on the theoretical basics of classical economics on description of "economic man" and also the Engels’s theory on the description of "modern man" and with regard to some of adapted and localized national and Islamic ideas and beliefs. What is meant by "Developed man" in this research is a person whose attitude and opinion has been developed and has the ability to turn the country's resources into wealth and prosperity for the people of society.
The instrument by which one can measure it, is a researcher-made content analysis checklist that involves 25 characteristics for developed human, and its face reliability and validity have been also verified and ranked by subject matter experts. Shannon entropy indices have been used to determine the importance and ranking of developed human components. In order to achieve a valid explanation and transparent results in this study, some important and fundamental concepts and components that were analyzed in the literature reviewing this document and their frequency was determined, were selected, and their frequency was compared with the total frequency of developed human components in the transformation document text.
By use of word-counting the whole text of the Fundamental Transformation Document of education system, it also became evident that only about 1% (113 words out of 10914 words available) of this 64-page document are dedicated to the components of developed human and as a result it can be said that with regard to the weight and importance of the economy and its related issues in the country (such as unemployment, weak attitudes and skills of wealth creation and lack of efforts to increase production and improve public living and poverty alleviation) from the leaders and policymakers viewpoint, especially.
In recent decades, little emphasis and attention has been paid to developed human, and accordingly, it is worthwhile to pay close attention to these components in revision of the Transformation Document text.


Main Subjects

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