Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in economics, International Campus Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Associate Professor of Mathematics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Nowadays, policy makers and economic planners are seeking to establish several goals simultaneously, such as making sustainable development based on economic, social, environmental and energy goals which require an analytical tool to assess the problem from different perspectives. Combining input-output analysis to introduce the multi-objective goal programming, this article proposes a model to achieve simultaneous national document goals on major economic activities for the first time in Iran, which can be used as a valuable basis for policy making and planning in economic and social activities. This study used the 2011 input - output table and the data concerning the quantities of carbon dioxide and energy usage obtained from 2011 hydrocarbon balance sheet. In addition, the employment data were obtained from Iran’s Statistics Center for housing and population census in 2011. The goals of the model were developed based on the fifth-year economic, social and cultural development plan and Paris environmental agreement. Despite achieving economic objectives, the results simultaneously show that the implementation of policies can lead to imbalanced growth of economic activities and energy; yet, the environmental objectives are not achieved. Thus, in order to achieve the energy and environmental goals, fundamental changes in some sectors such as power are inevitable.


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