Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Economics Student of Ferdowsi University

2 Professor of Economic Department of Ferdowsi University


Despite the weakness of structural models in determination exchange rate movements, observations show it responds to some fundamental variables. Due to growing foreign sector in most economies, recent studies pay special attention to terms of trade (TOT) effect on exchange rate. This study deals structural model of real exchange rate (RER) between the 70 currencies during the period of 1980-2013 in panel data model. Empirical micro-founded model are based on general equilibrium method. Static and dynamic models have confirmed TOT impact on RER, one percent increases in TOT increase RER by 0.167 percent. Engle-Granger and Sims tests show causality is from TOT to RER. Other variables such as trade balance, real interest rate and technological progress influenced RER. Estimation of Oil and non-oil countries models suggest that exchange rate, against non-oil countries, has a significant impact on RER in oil producing countries. So controlling the supply foreign exchange reserves in oil producing countries, despite lacking the same resources in the non-oil countries, makes it reasonable.


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