Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Membership, Shahid Beheshti University


In addition to the development of the commodity sector, exports of services, including technical and engineering services (TES) have led to employment, improvement of trade balance and economic growth in developing countries. According to the role of TES on improvement of economic situations, using a descriptive and analytical approach, this study tries to specify a model and investigate the performance and effective determinants of TES export supply in Iranian economy.
The suggested model in this study for TES export supply is assumed as function of gross domestic product, consumer price index, real exchange rate, total productivity, liquidity and protectionist policies during 1378Q1-1393Q4. The used method for evaluating existence of the long-run relationship is seasonal cointegration. Also for investigating of the model’s dynamic, seasonal error correction model has been used. Finally, the long-run coefficients have been estimated.
The results show that cointegration is existed in all three overall, seasonal and annual frequencies which indicate the existence of long-run relationship among variables of the model. The error correction model, indicating dynamic procedure of the model, confirms the stability of TES export supply in both overall and semi-annual frequencies. Also all coefficients are significant and onsistent with theoretical expectations. Finally, expect of production capacity promotion, productivity and protectionst policies are the main factors for expanding of TES export in long-run.


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