Document Type : Research Paper


The increasing importance of energy sources to formation and growth of economic processes and also the necessity of utilization of these sources based on environmental considerations and constant economic and social developments, distinguish the field of recognizing and studying the effective factors on energy consumption. Also extent and age structure of population, as two of the factors, are important in energy consumption related subjects which there have done less studies about them. Therefore, in this dissertation we have attempted to investigate and evaluate the population factor as extent and age structure of population on household sector energy consumption.
In this thesis to analyze, the approach of panel and collective data are used from twenty two states of the country and in five-years periods, during 1365-1390. Results indicate the significant influence of age groups of the population on household sector energy consumption. Consequently, being informed of the outcomes of demographic changes from the extent and age structure aspect with considering the growing trend of energy consumption in Iran, could be effective on future schedules and policies.


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