Document Type : Research Paper


Poverty and inequality, in generation of woman is among social
problems which has been subject to be mitigated through measures. In
this context one of the issues related to poverty and inequality is
income mobility. Income mobility is another measure which indicates
the degree of inequality of opportunity in a society. Income Mobility
is measured as either conditional or absolute one. In Conditional
mobility fixed effects are considered, however in absolute mobility it
is not so.
This article tries to study income mobility in generation of woman. For
examine this phenomenon is designed type data pattern Pseudo-panel
data using data of Household Survey Data collected by Iran Statistical
Center from 1988 till 2011. This method enables us to track the
performance of each cohort over time. Our results indicate that the
absolute income mobility is low and Inequality of opportunity is
decreasing over time. But the rapid fall in inequality is low.


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