Document Type : Research Paper


Inequality distribution of income causes many problems in economic, social and political fields in a society. Governments regulate the redistribution of income through fiscal policy, such as taxes, subsidies and grants. Since taxes have a more fundamental role than other economic measures in adjusting the distribution of income and wealth in a society, this study attempts to present a prioritization for the taxation in economic sectors in order to reduce income inequalities. Therefore, using the 1380 social accounting matrix and IO & SAM & MATS software, the consequences of increases in tax rates were determined for each economic sector. Moreover, the total effects were divided into direct and indirect effects. The results indicated that increasing tax rates in sections like motor vehicles, air transport services, fuel, posts, telecommunications and support services increases the cost of living index less for low-income households, so they can pay more taxes in these sectors. On the other hand, due to the high consumption of low-income households in the electricity, kerosene, flour, animal and vegetable oils, meat, dairy products, road transportation services, tea sectors the cost of living index would increase more in such sectors. Therefore, it’s better that these section pay less taxes than others.


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